
AWS C3.2M/C3.2:2019 PDF

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Standard Method for Evaluating the Strength of Brazed Joints

American Welding Society , 01/01/2019

File Format: PDF



AWS C3.2M/C3.2 PDF

The purpose of this standard is to describe the test methods used to obtain reliable data on the strength of metal lic -to-metal lic , metal lic -to-nonmetal lic , and nonmetal lic -to-nonmetal lic brazed joints. Test specimens preparation and testing is described to provide consistent and proper fabrication, brazing practices , and test results . Interpretation of the test results is the responsibility of the user.

Documentation of the materials, brazing parameters, and test conditions are required to allow comparison of results with the joint strengths obtained by others using this standard method. General use of this standard method may permit a compilation of brazed joint strengths and brazing design criteria at some future time.

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